Wednesday 23 February 2011

Tired and uncreative

Weekend in London was nice. However, I've been so preoccupied with content analyses for the IS that getting sufficient rest hasn't been the easiest thing to accomplish. That has of course resulted in me being constantly tired and unable to productively concentrate on anything.

It's wonderful to spend time with my mother, but being exhausted all the time is a bit of a hindrance to cheerful sociable behaviour. Apparently I'm also making her worry about me - which is unnerving, but I'm not currently able to really change that since I have no strength to step up my act.

Well, at least today was a good day, even for the 250-project. We went to see The King's Speech [currently 94 on the list] and both enjoyed it a lot. Sure, the seats were not good (2nd row since the screening was surprisingly already almost sold out when we got there), but fortunately I could forget where I was sitting until the end credits. The stiff neck afterwards is not that great, though...

I can see why Colin Firth has been snatching award after award this season for his performance. He is magnificent in the role and makes the varying levels of stammering all sound natural and believable. Firth's portrayal of the reserved and occasionally very insecure character of his character, King George VI, is touching.

The story, characters and acting in the films were all marvelous, but what I enjoyed the most was the cinematography. It was peaceful and at times nearly languid, with some quite artistic camera angles thrown into the mix. Nothing felt rushed and all seemedto be throughly considered. I also liked the bleak colour scheme that suits the era and the story very well. Bright colours would have been distracting and would probable have felt obtrusive.

That's it for tonight. And by the way, this is the entry for Tuesday. I'll try to have enough strength to type up my "report" from London tomorrow (that'll be the post for Sat, Sun & Mon).

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